Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Insanity: Spy Drones For Civilians

Just when you thought that the soft police state couldn't get more blatant, along comes this.

Last week I was watching the premier of the Eighth season of 24. In the first episode, it is mentioned that CTU (now reformed) has begun utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles for surveillance and counter terrorism work. These UAVs are even equipped with missiles. They were even supposed to have worked in taking out a hand-held rocket weapon. They didn't. Not the first time the government failed on a job right?

Work of fiction right?

Not entirely quite.

This morning, InTheEndIWasRight posted a new video. Go ahead and watch it, knock yourself out. It seems that several police departments in Britain are looking to use UAVs for their own operations. Here's the article. Cool right? Here's a video from a couple of years ago. I wonder how much they've progressed since then!

Once more, I'm certain that if this is successful, it will undoubtedly not be used for what it was intended, but as yet another tool to invade people's privacy. Kind of like the Patriot Act being used to listen to Americans' phone sex. I'm predicting it now: the UK (or any other state that fits your fancy) will say something along the lines of "we need this technology to keep people safe from terrorism (or any other scary substitute)!" They'll get it (or at least part of what they want). Then, some incident will happen (like last month's Christmas bomber), and these security measures will be proven inadequate. They'll then call for more security measures. They'll be just a little more intrusive, just a little more of what the state needs to prevent a horrendous act of terrorism. It's the same old story every time: just a bit more freedom for just a bit more security, a vicious cycle. And it's completely deceptive. More often than not, the state wanted to have these powers anyway, and the terror is a perfect excuse. It's like a child running back to a parent that has already been proven incompetent when it comes to protecting children, and the parent then proceeds to abuse the child with the newfound power.

I know, sarcasm and annoyance are dripping from my words. I'm just sick of constantly having to give up (or hear of others having to give up) my liberty for a false sense of security, when the state has already many times been proven completely incompetent when it comes to the matter. No added security measure or super-duper technology is going to change this. This is very important to understand. Sure, you'll hear of some success stories, but eventually, and inevitably, something will happen, and incompetence will probably show. This is because one entity simply cannot manage all the responses needed to ensure high rates of safety (especially when this entity in question is beset in a civil war of squabbling bureaucracies). Consider it the Economic Calculation Problem transplanted onto the service of providing security.

Ultimately, if we desire to truly be safe from terrorism, we as a people must understand the motivations of those committing the acts in the first place. Most of these motivations are triggered by America's (and the West's) foreign policy. I've stated this before in a previous post "24 Season Seven and Non-Intervention," so I won't go into it here.

To end this, I'll turn to an overused quote from Benjamin Franklin.

"Those who give up a little liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither and will lose both."

How right he was!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Life: Mediocre, or Passionate?

Thinking comes naturally to me. It's that little moron thing I do as George Carlin put it. I've been thinking a lot in terms of life outlook over the holiday season. I learned so much in 2009 that I wonder what I'll do next. I'll of course continue my education (my real one), but what more?

During the Iliad, Achilles was offered a choice:

"Mother tells me, the immortal goddess Thetis with her glistening feet, that two fates bear me on to the day of death. If I hold out here and I lay siege to Troy, my journey home is gone, but my glory never dies. If I voyage back to the fatherland I love, my pride, my glory dies...but the life that's left me will be long, the stroke of death will not come on me quickly." (Achilles, to Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix, Iliad, Book 9.)

Once Patroclus was slain by Hector, Achilles made his choice:

"Then let me die at once, since it was not my fate to save my dearest comrade from his death! Look, a world away from his fatherland he's perished, lacking me, my fighting strength, to defend him. But now, since I shall not return to my fatherland...nor did I bring one ray of hope to my Patroclus, nor to the rest of all my steadfast comrades, countless ranks struck down by mighty Hector- No, no, here I sit by the ships...a useless, dead weight on the good green earth- I, no man my equal among the bronze-armed Achaeans, not in battle, only in wars of words that others win. If only strife could die from the lives of gods and men and anger that drives the sanest man to flare in outrage- bitter gall, sweeter than dripping streams of honey, that swarms in people's chests and blinds like smoke- just like the anger Agamemnon king of men has roused within me now...Enough. Let bygones be bygones. Done is done. Despite my anguish I will beat it down, the fury mounting inside me, down by force. But now I'll go and meet that murderer head-on, that Hector who destroyed the dearest life I know. For my own death, I'll meet it freely-whenever Zeus and the other deathless gods would like to bring it on! Not even Heracles fled his death, for all his power, favorite son as he was to Father Zeus the King. Fate crushed him, and Hera's savage anger. And I too, if the same fate waits for me...I'll lie in peace, once I've gone down to death. But now, for the moment, let me seize great glory!- and drive some woman of Troy or deep-breasted Dardan to claw with both hands at her tender cheeks and wipe away her burning tears as the sobs come choking from her throat- they'll learn that I refrained from war a good long time! Don't try to hold me back from the fighting, mother, love me as you do. You can't persuade me now." (Achilles, to Thetis, Iliad Book 18)

Long quote, yeah, I know. But you get the point. When Achilles was offered the choice between a long, peaceful life, or a short life filled with glory, he chose the latter. I admire him for it. That's not to say that I think young men (like me!) should choose to fight and die. In fact, I believe that Homer was showing all throughout the Iliad just how stupid and pointless the Trojan War was.

What I mean, is that Achilles was faced with two choices: a life of mediocrity, where one fades into the background, treading toward death softly, or where one does great deeds that fulfills him as a person, a strong man worthy of respect and remembrance. He chose the latter.

A question I've been asking to people that I know in the past couple of weeks is: if you had the choice- to live a life of intensity, excitement, filled with passion that leaves you feeling enlightened and fulfilled as a human being- but you die young, or, you could live a long life, but it's one where you fade away into the background, a mundane existence among other people living a mundane existence, defined more by what you have than who you are, which would you choose?

I'd choose the former, naturally. That's not to say I want or plan to die young, far from it. The trick of course, is to live that kind of life that fulfills you for as long as you possibly can.

Think of what we value. What do you usually ask someone you just met. "What do you do?" Or, "what's your major?" This is not a bad thing per se, certainly a good job (one that you actually want) can leave a person feeling fulfilled, but many, perhaps most times, this isn't the case. Most people tread softly toward death. They fade away, find a job, pay taxes, find a house and cars, and allow themselves to be defined by what they have rather than who they are. This is the "American Dream."

No, I'm not one of those anti-materialists. Certainly, nice possessions are a welcome addition to your life, but I view them as just that: an addition. They do not define who I am. I find people who admire others for their jobs, homes, or cars to be peons. Same thing with people who merely seek out those possessions. Certainly they live the life of mediocrity.

That's my biggest fear in life. I don't want to live the life of mediocrity. I don't want to live the way we're told to live: to be happy with our mundane lives, seek an endless amount of consumer goods (often which we cannot afford anyway, thus we must go into debt), and pay taxes to the state. I live for myself and myself alone. Most people in the world live for others. I think this is why most people are peons. It sounds arrogant of me to say that, but it's the truth.

My passion is to educate and inform, to rally people in revolt against stupidity. That's why I have this blog and my Youtube channel. That's why I'm writing my book too. This is what leaves me fulfilled as a man: finding my own enlightenment and then spurring others to do the same, and act on it. That's what I want to do in my life. That is my life of passionate fulfillment that leaves me as a strong man. How that happens doesn't matter, even if I need to get a "day" job. It won't define me.

I don't need to die as Achilles did beneath the walls of Troy, but I won't tread softly toward death. I don't need to be admired as he so desired, but I believe admiration naturally follows strong people who live a life of passion, whether it be widespread or in that person's social circle.

"We all end up dead. It's only a question of how and why." -Mel Gibson as William Wallace in Braveheart.

So...which do you choose? Mediocrity, or passion?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

New Year's Eve already! How fast this year passed! I still can vividly remember January of this year like it was a second ago, when I temporarily returned to playing Age of Empires III, single player and online with a friend, to kill time. That was in the weeks leading up to Barack Obama's inauguration, when the enthusiasm of "hope and change" still filled the air while the economy looked like it hit the ninth circle of hell. (The former was nonsense of course, it's the same old story every time.) I warned people that I knew that he would be just like Bush.

The past year has proven me wise to many people that were skeptical of my claims. Whether it's beating around the bush of closing Guantanamo, continuing the Bush Administration's disastrous economic policies to prevent a necessary correction (AKA a recession), or escalating the war in Afghanistan. Let's not forget the continued escalation of the debt ceiling- something now approaching $13 trillion. Look at that cool live feed with the changing numbers! It's fun!

...until you realize that your and your peers' future is what's being hanged.

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about this. I think I've said enough. Being proven right to my skeptics was predictable. I'm here to talk about myself.

2009, while discouraging politically (though what year isn't when you have a juggernaut state?), was for myself personally, a very productive and fulfilling year. It was a year in which my personal development, identity, and worldview reached new heights. My confidence in my sense of self is at a new plateau. Maybe it's kinda lame, but as I sit here, looking out my window at the snowstorm over New York, I write my accomplishments this year below:

1. It was the first full year of me being a bona fide anti-statist. I stopped believing in the state in late 2008 after Obama's election, but truly got on board with the ideology once 2009 began. Needless to say, it's a truly liberating worldview.

2. I finished acts one and two of my book. I probably should have finished the third as well, but writers have periods of highs and lows. That's what happened and I'm satisfied with the work so far. I think this book will truly be an epic that speaks to people if I can get it done the way I want to.

3. My YouTube channel has expanded rapidly. I only made videos sparingly throughout 2007-8. In 2009, I made them pretty regularly (with binges and gaps of course). I made my voice a regular in the libertarian/anti-state side of thinking on the tubez. As of this moment I have 414 subscribers, and am confident that I'll reach the 500 mark by the end of January. That's several hundred people at least somewhat interested in what I have to say. Imagine addressing those people in some kind of public assembly hall, and you can appreciate how the spread of information is becoming more and more decentralized- enabling anyone to reach a good audience.

4. As a result of making the videos, my speech has improved dramatically.

5. Through networking with the anti-state community, I met some real cool folks:,,,,,,,,,,,

These are excellent channels to check out and cool people to talk to to boot. Of course the passerby may wish to join a hub we use to congregate, Fringe Elements.

6. My ability in logical argumentation improved dramatically over the summer. Say something stupid to me now and I will immediately be able to call you on it, and tell you where your reasoning went wrong.

7. Consequently, at around the same time, I realized that objective morality was nonsensical. I became an ethical nihilist. All moral codes are based on subjective preferences.

8. Ditto on free will. It does not exist, all actions are causal in some way. This is not to say that humans cannot make rational choices among alternatives in what way best suits them, but none of these choices are outside the realm of a causal agent. I had a bit of difficulty giving this up, but once I recognized the facts I realized I didn't.

9. In line with these realizations, I discovered egoism. Big thanks to David Gauthier and Morals By Agreement for putting it into words for me.

10. I learned an immense amount about economics this year, far more than I'd known previously. Big thanks to Ryan Faulk (confederalsocialist/fringeelements), the Mises Institute, Peter Schiff, and others. I'm even considering a career in the Financial District now (maybe I'll get my own bailout!) as a securities attorney (bit of an irony, being an anti-statist isn't it?). But hey, I can defend firms against stupid regulations by the state, can't I?

Overall, it was an excellent year for those reasons, and I'm looking to continue to take myself higher in 2010. It might be cliche, but I've got a couple of resolutions for the new year and decade (though technically the latter doesn't start until 2011, I'm such a party pooper):

1. Finish my book.

2. Get out more than I do now and meet new people.

Small simple steps to each, of course.

That's about it. I want to continue my process of self-liberation that expanded rapidly in 2009, and those two resolutions will help me along in that life goal. Now, let's go watch Nirvana break shit! Imagine the shit they're breaking are the barriers in your life. Just smash them, and have fun while doing so!

Have a great 2010! Be back soon.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

In Defense of a Radical Idea

When you say the words “stateless society,” most people consider them an oxymoron. “A society without a state?! Isn’t the state the very thing that makes society possible?!” Many of them will ask in disbelief, and they have reason to be skeptical. The state, after all, currently provides certain goods and services, the most basic of them
being protection and dispute resolution, necessary (or at least highly desirable) for a functioning society. When one advocates a stateless society, you inevitably wind up hearing objections on these grounds. Some say that an advocate places way too much faith in the goodness of man. The fact that it is men who are in charge of the state, who can, by their logic be just as easily corrupted, or just as evil, and what’s more have a monopoly on aggressive action never seems to enter their minds. Nonetheless, the advocate of the stateless society must in the eyes of skeptics, demonstrate the validity of the idea, and go through the difficulty of the inertia that the state has in people’s minds (it is an institution thousands of years old, after all). In this paper I will argue that the state is not necessary for a functioning and flourishing human society, and that what’s more, certain services currently being provided by the state are sub-optimally provided.

Firstly, I contend that problems in human society can all be solved by the market. What I mean by the market is not strictly a private entity or business selling a good or service for a profit, but rather the free interaction of people.
A market is after all, a matrix of people demanding something, and then being supplied in that demand. Society itself could then be seen as an outgrowth of the market. People live together in a society for their mutual benefit through their free interaction with one another.

There are problems in society, (problems in interaction) obviously, and David Gauthier, in his treatise Morals By Agreement outlines a few of these. He contends in chapter four that there are certain necessities for markets to operate that cannot themselves be provided by markets, and that certain outcomes need correction via law.

But is law really outside of the market? Remember, markets are the matrix of free human interaction. Obviously, people have a preference for rules of some kind to safeguard their own interests (whether they be short term or long term). In this sense does law precede markets, or do we have a chicken and egg scenario? Are laws and rules the outcome of markets or are markets the outcome of law and rules? In my opinion, the two are very much interlinked, to the extent that I would say they are one in the same, all operating under the aegis of human action.

Nonetheless, Gauthier is certainly valid in his concerns. It is in the interest of all parties to have modes of conduct (what he calls moral constraints). To Gauthier, moral constraints are those that “replace the utility-maximizing response, with the optimizing response,” (Gauthier, 82) which, in somewhat of an irony, winds up maximizing utility, even if it is not at first obvious. It is in effect, your interest to sacrifice your immediate utility-maximizing interest for a longer term Pareto optimal interest that winds up maximizing your utility.

It sounds circular, but here Gauthier is completely correct. While I would hesitate to call it morality, as stated earlier, there are certain common rules that are necessary to satisfy our preferences of a cohesive society, even if they at first appear to dissatisfy our immediate utility. But this again begs the question of how do these rules come about, and what problems must be solved? There are many problems in society that require solving
via a corrective method, but who does the correcting, and why? How do the rules operate?

Consider an example that Gauthier outlines in chapter four: “Let us now suppose that a factory owner disposes of the wastes from her factory by having them discharged into the atmosphere, thus causing pollution. If anyone may use the air as she pleases, so that it is a free good, then there is no way to require the factory owner to compensate
others for the ill effects on them of her method of waste disposal. The effect of any person breathing the polluted air then is a negative externality.” (Gauthier, 88)

Gauthier goes on to explain externalities as arising as a result of free goods, whether positive or negative. The existence of externalities prevents the market from being a perfect one, and thus, prevents the market from being a morally free zone. To deal with this issue, there needs to be some type of moral constraint, that is to say, rules or correction via law.

To this, we can agree. There has never been, nor there will there ever be, a perfectly competitive market. The trick of the matter is to find out how to get closest to that point, in order to make a solution optimal. How would a stateless society deal with such a scenario?

First consider what the current arrangement (at least in people’s minds) of dealing with this is. The people affected by this externality would run to the state and complain, demanding that some action be taken against the factory owner. The affected parties would then have to hope that the state responds, and if it does, hope that it responds in a timely manner. Remember, as a monopoly, the state has less of an incentive to provide the affected with a good service (dispute resolution), and what’s worse, it gets funded a priori (you pay your taxes no matter what, if you don’t you go to jail, and if you resist going to jail you are shot), a further disincentive for the performance of a good service. The result is that the state often twiddles its thumbs while the polluter still roams free. Further, the assumption that the environment is a commons problem (which is why the state, supposedly the collective will of the people, takes command of the environment) leads to just this sort of tragedy of the commons scenario. What the state winds up doing is empowering polluters, whether passively in the form of ignoring the problem, or actively in the form of subsidizing the polluter (consider the vast subsidies that corporations that pollute the environment get from the state). But it goes even further than this. Oftentimes, the state will abuse its supposed duty to protect the environment and use this power not to punish polluters, but to expand its own. Consider a program known as Superfund. It originally started out as a program to clean up abandoned waste sights. However, Superfund quickly morphed into a program that imposed devastating cleanup costs on businesses the EPA determined had sent waste to a Superfund sight, and the accused must then prove otherwise. (Bovard,) In effect you are guilty until proven innocent. Programs such as these impose pollution costs onto parties that may not have ever engaged in the act of polluting. What does all of this add up to? A sub-optimal solution to dealing with resolving disputes over negative externalities such as pollution.

So what is the alternative? First we need to realize that the beauty of the stateless society is that there is no one be-all, end-all solution, unlike the monopoly of the state that leads to the problems I just outlined. The first thing that my model of a stateless society would do is realize that this externality is an act of aggression. This is not so much a commons problem against the environment, but rather an act of aggression against a matrix of individuals, who may enjoy a good environment, but above all, healthy air to breathe. In stateless societies in the past, such as Ireland, who’s legal system (known as Brehon Law) lasted 1,000 years, the affected parties might have acted in this manner: affected parties would consider the externality of Gauthier’s factory owner an act of aggression against their property (their part of the air over say, their homes). Our modern day members of stateless Ireland would submit a dispute to an arbiter of the common law known as a Brehon. Brehons were not judges the way that we consider state judges to be. My friend, Ryan Faulk, points out what the Brehon was in Irish society: “Brehons were not appointed; they didn't go to a university and graduate, Brehons simply emerged, and one could become known as a Brehon if he was known for having a thorough understanding of Brehon law and was known for issuing fair rulings as
a judge, and people were willing to pay for your arbitration.” (Faulk, 53)

Having submitted their dispute to an effective and reputable Brehon (who needs to issue fair rulings to stay in business), Gauthier’s factory owner would have two choices: show up for arbitration, or ignore it and continue polluting. Choices, however, have consequences. The plaintiffs would more than likely be members of a Tuath, the
basic community unit in stateless Ireland.

The Tuath was composed of an assembly of freemen and led by a king (not to be confused with Hobbes’ sovereign). He was a chief representative of the Tuath when dealing with other Tuaths, and a religious and military leader (though the latter was very rare). (Peden, 4) The king did not administer justice and was independent of the Brehon courts.

The king, nonetheless, had the responsibility of making sure that the Tuath represented his clients in terms of protection. If his Tuath failed, or in any way was corrupt (in this case, empowering the polluter), individuals could secede to another Tuath that would better represent their interests, or form their own, toppling the king. If the
factory owner continued to pollute, ignoring the Brehon’s rulings, his reputation would take an immediate nose-dive, and the Tuath would enforce the ruling through a system of sureties.

In stateless Ireland, people would agree to a surety, say, to prevent property damage. (Faulk, 53) This would usually consist of a fine of some sort, but this could not exceed what was known as an honor-price which was directly related to someone’s wealth (this meant that you couldn’t take advantage of a poor person by imposing an
insane fine).

Turning back to our factory owner, he would probably have to agree to a surety with the assembly of the Tuath (of which our plaintiffs are members) in order to operate his factory in the Tuath’s territory, or to sell his goods there. Absent such a surety (which would be in the long term interests of the king and assembly), the factory owner may
never have been able to operate his capital.

The factory owner, through this surety, would then (if he lost the suit, or if he ignored the Brehon) be considered a debtor, and, being most likely a rich businessman, have a high honor price to pay to those who were affected by his pollution. In effect, he’d be a debtor to his victims.

Absent all other options, the factory owner would be outlawed by the Tuath, and would be fair game to anyone who had ill intentions toward him, such as the armed men of the Tuath representing the plaintiffs (remember, the externality is aggression against the property of the plaintiffs).

In a modern day stateless society, consider the Tuath a township with an assembly or association, complete with agents of multiple protection agencies competing on the market for customers, and independent arbitration services to resolve disputes. Credit and crime ratings may also be used, that is, if the factory owner ignored arbitration or the ruling, his credit rating would go down and crime rating would go up- a further disincentive to do business with him. The only way to recover would be to pay the restitution to the plaintiffs affected by his pollution.

Here we see an alternative to the state that still fits David Gauthier’s idea of moral constraints. Furthermore, as these associations are all voluntary, and operating by a profit and loss system (even if it isn’t truly monetary, such as reputation or residents of the township), it optimizes the situation for all by not displacing costs onto third parties
(unlike with various state programs like Superfund outlined earlier), subsidizing polluters, having inevitable commons problems, and being slow to act (voluntary agencies need to settle disputes in as timely a manner as possible to satisfy their subscribers).

Here we saw that the parasite associated with the negative externality was dealt with in an example of a stateless legal order. What then, of free riders- those who benefit from a positive externality without paying the costs? David Gauthier outlined one such externality- a group of businessmen building a lighthouse that then can be used by those who have not paid any costs upfront for its construction. This results in a game of chicken- people maximizing their immediate utility by not paying the costs of construction, yet at the same time, expecting a lighthouse to be built. This, likewise, calls for some type of moral constraint- and we turn back to our structural analysis of the operation of a stateless version of those types of constraints. How would we deal with free riders operating on the positive externality of the Tuath (or in a modern day association, a defense agency operating in a township)?

We must remember first of all, that in a stateless society, there are no taxes. No one is forced to pay for a service that they do not want to use. Individuals could secede from a Tuath, for example, or a Claims Association in the Old West (before the US Government began to exercise real power) (Faulk, 61) when these protective agencies
were not fulfilling their needs or they simply did not want to be a part of them. The more conventional reader would ask: in a modern situation, how would free riders be dealt with who take advantage of a protective association’s services without paying costs? If this issue were not dealt with, may we get David Gauthier’s game of chicken?

One method to prevent such a scenario would be Robert P. Murphy’s idea of insurance and call options to spontaneously organize communal defense via market mechanisms. (Murphy, 4)

One such option he describes would be an insurance company or a competing network of insurers to provide defense. Suppose that bombers from England (the neighboring state that conquered stateless Ireland only after a very long, 500 year struggle) were swarming the skies over our modern Tuaths in Ireland. How would a stateless society mount a defense? Suppose there were insurance companies operating in the Tuath that sold policies to homeowners to protect the value of their homes. To prevent payout claims, the insurance agency would have to be quite good in specializing in shooting down enemy bombers. (Murphy, 4)

Another solution that he lays out is something known as a call option on real estate. If such an attack were inevitable, an entrepreneur may see a profit to be had, and can buy call options on the properties, which homeowners would have an incentive to sell. If the entrepreneur did nothing, his investment would collapse, if however, he defended against the attack, the property values would rise again after the danger ends, netting him a large gain. (Murphy, 6) It would be in the free rider’s interest to buy such services, or else the value of his home would plummet (especially if it got hit by a bomb).

I was somewhat skeptical of this, and Murphy admits on page seven of his small analysis that a more likely scenario would be signing a binding contract upon joining an association to pay for a part of its defense, going back to a Tuath-type model. I just wanted to point out that purely market solutions to such a problem are possible, and
they’re possible because there’s a large demand for defense, obviously!

The biggest reason why I believe that free riders leeching off of mutual associations such as a Tuath or Claims Association is minimal is because failure to pay means alienation. For example, a person without a Tuath in stateless Ireland was in effect an outlaw as described above. He forfeited all protection and took a large risk. This
would be a very strong disincentive to play the chicken game.

In addition, I believe that free riders would be alienated from the market. Their credit ratings would sink like a stone (if you’re unwilling to invest in your own protection, why should anyone loan you money?), and their crime ratings would skyrocket (such a person is an immense risk to do business with, as he has no court or the
like to peacefully resolve a dispute).

These two very strong negatives, and the demonstration that currently existing market operations (albeit operating in a new way) can work should overcome the free rider problem without much difficulty. But, we must take into account the fact that ultimately, protection is a choice. If competent parties feel good about being unprotected,
it is their choice (I assume most would form their own associations anyway). Forcing protection on people is the first step toward the complications of the state, which, for liberty advocates like me, is highly undesirable.

Gauthier also speaks of what he terms initial factor endowments. Simply put, Gauthier defines these as those things from which goods and services get converted from an initial situation, and the individual’s original situation in the market is the initial factor endowment. (Gauthier, 94) He goes on to say that the only way the outcome of market
operations can be justified are if they are originally fair.

I agree here as well, to a degree. Using words such as “fair” are problematic, due to the simple fact that they mean different things to different people. Unfortunately, I have not been able to read the entirety of Gauthier’s book to clarify what exact position he has on this. I defined what a free market is at the top of my paper. If the initial factor
endowments arise as a result of voluntary interactions in the marketplace, absent of force or fraud, I see them being fair. There may be conditions that appear unfair to the eye, such as ‘wage slavery’ or inequalities of wealth, but in a free market, these are not unfair. You work for what you get; the products of your labor are your own. The demand for
charity would help alleviate the latter, and worker-run coops would probably form too, to address the former, though I do not see these being widespread. If I’m wrong about that, it’s not a real problem. I still stand by my statement that while some find those two things undesirable, they are not unfair.

However, it is precisely the state that is responsible for most of the unfair initial factor endowments. This is done through forced barriers to entry. Barriers to entry are sets of circumstances that make it very difficult or even impossible for new firms to enter a market and compete with more established firms. Now to be fair, in a free market, there would be at least some barriers to entry, but these would be a result of superior goods or services that some firms produce, thus gaining popularity on the market. This is not unfair. As stated, the firms would have had to work and plan the structure of production correctly in order to be successful. The fruits of their labor are truly their own. However, the vast majority of barriers to entry are imposed on the market via the state, at the prodding of corporate lobbyists. (Johnson)

Consider, for example, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. Even the casual reader will probably be familiar with the story leading up to it. In 2007, there was widespread media-induced hysteria over unsafe Chinese toys that were being recalled (no, I am not saying that the unsafe products should not have been recalled, just
that the attention was hyped!). Using this attention, large toy companies such as Mattel and Hasbro mobilized their lobbyists to get CPSIA passed. (Weisenthal) The law mandates that businesses (and a whole bunch of other outlets) that produce products marketed to children twelve and under have independent labs accredited by the state give them their seals of approval. This even if you’re person that likes to craft barrettes in your basement and donate them to your church’s holiday fair. (Rehyle)

What does this all mean? It means that established firms can pay for these regulations, and Mom & Pop shops get run out of business. They simply cannot afford to pay the expenses before their products even get to market, whereas the established firms can, even if it is at a higher cost to them then to the smaller businesses. Regulations such as these disproportionately hurt small firms. (Faulk, 22)

Corporations also get a hefty amount of subsidies from the state. These subsidies are (obviously) paid for in tax dollars- the same tax dollars that these Mom & Pop shops (and individuals that run them) are forced to pay. This results in less money for the up and coming entrepreneurs to operate their firms and even more money getting pushed upward toward their competitors.

It is state actions such as these that create the vast majority of unfair initial factor endowments. The modern marketplace is far from fair or competitive, rather, it is a heavily cartelized economy, and the coercive power of the state is responsible.

In a free market, businesses are regulated by motive to profit. It is because firms want to profit that they have an interest in selling safe products. Does this mean that we should simply take their word for it? Of course not. Obviously, there’s a demand for safe products (otherwise people wouldn’t project this demand onto the state). Therefore, I have reason to believe savvy entrepreneurs will start their own regulating firms based on reputation rather than a state monopoly like the FDA. Consider Underwriter’s Laboratories for example, an independent regulator that operates on the fees of companies sending their products to be tested, in order for them to appear safe. (Faulk, 38) I suspect that firms like these would expand in a stateless society, and may possibly be linked with one’s township association (our modern Tuath). That is, the township could approve of independent regulators to test products in order for them to be safe, if firms did not pass the test, they could not sell their products in that township. Oftentimes, a combination of whatever communitarian organization plus trusted private regulators would be enough to discourage people from buying products deemed unsafe even if they did get to market (thus, businesses have an incentive to make safe products). Is this the same as state laws like CSPIA? No! The lack of a monopolistic legal entity means it is virtually impossible for firms in a free market to impose such a blanket mandate onto everyone else. Any regulations that follow are about general safety issues, not about getting some firms coercive advantages. (Corporations as we know them today are likewise state-chartered entities given legal advantages.)

What does this all mean? Initial factor endowments would be as closely based on merit as possible. The only advantage firms would have on a free market would be those that have been earned based on the preferences of consumers.

As we have seen, there are many problems in human interaction that David Gauthier brings up, and we’ve seen various solutions to these problems, all based as closely on what people actually demand as possible. These are true moral constraints, ones which make interaction in society between people as close to Pareto-Optimal as
possible. The largest problem with the state is its monopolistic legal framework. It is based not on true interaction, but on whoever can lobby it to get some advantage that in turn gets imposed on everyone else. Think about it, the current legal system of states elevates a tiny minority of people into positions of immense power who can then impose their subjective definition of ‘law’ onto millions. How can this small an amount of people know how to deal with the issues of many millions (in each respective country)? It is truly then, the state that is Hobbes’ War of All Against All. It is fundamentally antisocial in that people war with each other for its favor. It is time that humanity looked to something new. Stateless societies throughout history, large and small, have both worked well and flourished. The idea may be radical, but radical ideas have always been the source of revolution. Without radicalism, society is stagnant. Indeed, statelessness is truly ‘the change we can believe in.’

Sources Cited:

Gauthier, David. Morals By Agreement. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1986. Print.

Bovard, James. “Robbery with an Environmental Badge.” Freedom Daily. March 1999. Retrieved 11/29/09.

Faulk, Ryan. “For an Emergent Governance.” (No date given.) Retrieved 11/30/09.

Peden, Joseph, R. “Stateless Societies: Ancient Ireland.” The Libertarian Forum. April 1971. Retrieved 11/30/09.

Murphy, Robert P. “Private Solutions to Positive Externalities: Military Expenditures, Insurance, and Call Options.” Mises Institute. May 2004. Retrieved 12/05/09.

Weisenthal, Joe. “The New York Times Goes to Bat for Big Toymakers.” The Business Insider. February 19th, 2009. Retrieved 12/05/09.

Paul M. Johnson. “A Glossary of Political Economy Terms.” Auburn University. (No date given.) Retrieved 12/05/09.

Reyhle, Nicole. “Understanding CPSIA and How it Will Effect Your Business.” Retail Minded. April 7th, 2009. Retrieved 12/05/09.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

YouTube Needs to Fail

YouTube. A name that changed the Internet forever. When it first started in February 2005 and debuted in November of that year, it had an awesome vision- to allow individuals to 'broadcast themselves' with a cheap, easy to make and upload video format. For possibly the first time, individuals had a type of broadcasting access to the airwaves of the information superhighway, in effect making people their own media companies.

It was no wonder that the site expanded rapidly in the summer of 2006. The decentralized, individualistic, and all-around free market of information on YouTube made it one of the fastest growing websites on the Internet, with people watching 100 million videos per day and uploading 65,000 at the same rate.

YouTube had become a paradise of individual creativity, an underground to the world's stifling media market. This was the time period that made YouTube what it is today- at least in terms of its market share on the Internet. As expected, "freedom is popular!"

Such times however, do not seem to last. A control freak is always waiting in the wings, ready to pounce on the free market for a variety of reasons.

Such was the case with YouTube. Under siege from the threat of copyright lawsuits (I.E.: using the guns of the state to protect "ownership" of a certain sequence and pattern of information) On October 9th, 2006, Google agreed to buy YouTube for $1.65 billion. The deal appeared to be a win-win for both parties, as Google had been wanting to compete with the rapidly-growing, expand beyond it's search-based revenue, and go into the social networking market. YouTube, for its part, would reap a great deal of revenue and be better-prepared for any lawsuits in the future. The deal was finalized on November 13th, 2006.

By this time, I had my own account on YouTube, and at first I noticed no obvious changes. By December, however, I noticed that many "copyrighted" videos were being removed. This was to be expected, and at first it was frustrating, but wasn't too terrible. Some cool inputs were added to the site, such as the ability to thumb up or down comments.

However, the website began to go downhill. The copyright vultures were always hovering over, always poised to attack those that skirted their barriers to entry. This can be most easily seen by the Viacom lawsuit, and later, the issues with Warner Music Group. Warner, in particular, was removing videos normally covered under Fair Use.

You'd think that Warner was doing this to represent their artists right? Nope. Several artists signed up with the record label are angry that their content has been removed from YouTube.

In all fairness, it is unfair to blame YouTube for ALL of this brouhaha. No one wants the guns of the state pointed at them, and this is what present Intellectual Property legislation demands. YouTube is at fault however, for completely failing to protect its users from false copyright claims or fair use content.

However, the current state of YouTube as we know it today, what I and others call GooTube (as in, watch what Google broadcasts) truly began with the YouTube Partner Program.

In a nutshell, the Partner Program allows users to take in a portion of ad revenue that their videos generate to YouTube. The program launched in 2007 and expanded rapidly in 2008.

Sounds great doesn't it? Here's the problem: GooTube has actively and vociferously promoted its partner videos over the rest of its user population. You will not find a definitive source for this, but every long-time YouTube user who has the ability to inductively reason will tell you that this is true. This is how the god-awful non-comic Fred was able to rise so rapidly in popularity: YouTube has endlessly promoted his videos on its front page. Here they actually admit their bias toward partners. This is in the form of their "spotlight videos." Ignore the idiots commenting on this page that don't see this for what it is. This is also apparent in that the "popular" page is shown before that of most viewed. Other pages, such as highest rated, are several clicks away to get to, thus turning many people away.

In addition to this, many people believe, and with good reason, that YouTube is censoring the view counts of its users (making it even harder to get onto the top viewed page). The example mentioned in the link is just one, and I believe this happened to me this past summer. My "The New Channels Suck!" video was frozen at 318 for at least two days, even though numerous comments were posted on it during that time.

In effect, the Partner Program has become a massive barrier to entry for small users attempting to expand their YouTube channel. What once was a free market in the exchange of information has become censored beyond belief since Google bought YouTube.

But just as it gets bad, it gets even worse. YouTube was transformed into GooTube, and recently, especially since Viacom and WMG began their saber-rattling, it has become ArchonTube (broadcast what the ruler says).

YouTube has been removing videos and suspending users for no apparent reason, even those with no noticeable "copyright infringement" at all. Indeed, my buddy, fellow Anarchist Vlogger InTheEndIWasRight, was suspended last week for no reason at all. Fortunately, his channel is now back up. Leading Anarchist confederalsocialist has gone through numerous accounts.

But perhaps the most egregious change of all occurred this summer, symbolizing perhaps once and for all the force-fitting conformity camp that a once-great website has been transformed into over the course of Google's ownership.

On June 24th, 2009, "YouTube" announced that it would be mandating that all users switch to the "beta channel" format. The response to the blog and companion introductory video was overwhelmingly negative, with the video receiving a one-and-a-half star rating and around 30,000 comments, around 95% of them being negative. The blog received the same reaction in its 66,000 comments.

In fact, the "beta" channels were so buggy that YouTube had no choice but to postpone the changeover. For two months nothing happened. Had the users won? Would these arrogant jerks at ArchonTube realize that customer feedback was nearly-one sided on the negative? Would the user base be able to keep the old channels, that worked extremely well since the site's inception? Would they honor the old maxim: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it?"

Nope. As expected, ArchonTube gave no care to the wishes of its customers and proceeded to go ahead and make the change anyway. My channel got hit last night.

The beta channel affair should make it clear once and for all now that YouTube is no longer the free market that honors individual initiative that it once was. It has become entirely fascized/corporatized. It is the same in name only, and while proceeding to make stupid changes that apparently only anger the user base, YouTube has been beset with numerous glitches, the most recent one having comments disappear. But ArchonTube is of course, too busy switching its customers into a new format that they don't seem to care about something so basic as this.

The writing is on the wall: YouTube needs to fail. It has treated its customers like crap for years. It believes that it's the only game in town, and unfortunately, it is somewhat right in that assessment. It still has the largest market share in its far. For this reason, it still has the most people congregating and networking, and this is why I'm still there for the most part: my channel is beginning to grow and I want to get more people onto the anti-state ship, and in all fairness, uploading and viewing videos there is still surprisingly, extremely simple.

However, its new methods of operation should not be tolerated. Like any business that treats its customers badly, people should vote with their feet, and a huge amount are already extremely dissatisfied with the direction the site has been going, especially the older users that have been around for a long time, like myself. The time is ripe for serious competitors to emerge if they can play their cards right, and rest assured I am looking for them.

confederalsocialist's Fringe Elements is a good place for anti-statists of all stripes to congregate, and is a nice way to begin detaching from ArchonTube. Perhaps a sort of video Agorism to promote competitors, marketed toward older users first might be a good way to begin to slay this dragon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moon Landings: Just Another Government Boondoggle

This is going to be hard for me to write. There's very, very few things that the federal government (and other states around the world) do that I actually like. In fact, space exploration is the only one that I can think of.

Yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, and I only wish that I could have been alive at the time- to bask in the excitement of what we as a species can accomplish. I do hope that man lands on Mars in my lifetime.

All that said, it's now time to face the facts. The moon landing was conducted by NASA, a government agency funded by taxpayer money (aka) extortion. The moon landings in essence were just a massive PR stunt by the United States to demonstrate its 'superiority' over the Soviet Union (and it surely would have been the exact same thing were it the other way around).

That's the reason for Kennedy's famous "we choose to go to the moon" speech. (Or if you prefer, the full video.) That's the reason for NASA's fervor and dedication. While there indeed were some idealists in that project, the reason why it worked so efficiently (quite uncharacteristic of a government agency) was to get the world's most expensive and glorious PR stunt in history accomplished. And they did so, making Neil Armstrong the most glorified bureaucrat to ever live and guaranteeing NASA permanence as a government agency.

Because of this, what should have been a day of triumph for all of humanity was instead riddled with nationalistic hubris (as the Apollo 11 mission logo and the famous photographs demonstrate clearly).

What was accomplished by this mission, besides the already mentioned greatest PR stunt of all time?

The cost of the Apollo program was $25.4 billion, or $145 billion in 2007 dollars. (God knows what it will be in terms of 2009 and beyond dollars, they've already printed trillions.)

The ugly truth of this matter is that that wealth could have been used in ways that would have been productive to the economy. No one in their right mind would have invested in the moon landings because the gain would not match the investment. This is why the only way the landings could have been pulled off was for the state to extort money from its population and then spend it on something people would normally not want to. No matter the triumph, it is not justified to steal money from others in order to accomplish it.

What has NASA done since the last moon landing in 1972? It's become a typical government bureaucracy, mired in inefficiency, laziness, and graft. This is made evident by the fact that NASA even erased the original footage of the Apollo 11 moon landing!

Since the bygone Apollo days, NASA has been stuck launching satellites (among them the space telescopes such as Hubble and the new Kepler, something private foundations could have easily done), and putting people in low Earth orbit for no apparent reason except to keep a permanent human presence in space, lodging them in the still incomplete International Space Station.

In addition to the bone-crunching cost of keeping people in space per day (paid for by you, of course), prolonged zero-gravity exposure has very detrimental effects on the human body. Thus we are forced to needlessly endanger people's health, even when there is no imperative scientific operation underway.

Where does this put the future of human spaceflight? Is it really something that we want to leave to states? Being somewhat of an astronomy geek and science fiction writer, there's no doubt in my mind that space exploration (culminated of course in the moon landings), is the coolest thing that the government has ever done. However, mass extortion was needed to fund it, and the ends do not justify the means. Fortunately, help is on the way!

Finally, it appears that private enterprise is entering the space market.
Undoubtedly, the prohibitive cost of sending matter into space has been holding the free market back from taking off beyond Earth. However, a few brave entrepreneurs are now taking up the challenge. Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic are the most famous examples that come to mind. Indeed, Virgin Galactic has just recently broken ground on the world's first commercial spaceport! The concept art for it is below:

I'm sounding like a geek now, I know, but I can't help it. The first few years (or decades) will be very expensive, thus reserving spaceflight for the wealthy, but so then were the first cars and air travel. The free market lowered their costs quite quickly, and ought to do the same for space travel too.

What will be the obstacle for the success of such enterprises? Undoubtedly, the arch-nemesis of free markets everywhere: the state. It can do this in a number of ways: taxes that siphon off money that could be used for further investment, regulating commercial spaceflights with silly agencies like the TSA, or inflating the money supply, thus making people poor and further unable to invest or demand as much of private enterprise.

These are just a few of the barriers to entry the state may try in the future. However, even NASA's future may depend on private initiatives.

I sincerely hope that the market is allowed to work, and take space out of the hands of states and their armies of bureaucrats. Perhaps there will even be private spaceflights to the Moon and Mars. Now I sound even more far fetched, but maybe there will even be private colonization efforts on the Red Planet.

This could only happen by the end of my lifetime most probably (at the earliest), but if it means I could escape the madness of this world of states and live out my last few years in freedom, I'd be there in a heartbeat, however remote the chance.

Here's hoping that the future of space travel be taken out of the hands of states and turned over to the marketplace.

But hope isn't enough, liberty lovers and space enthusiasts alike must work toward achieving the goal, whether this be by investing, popularizing private space ventures, or by smashing the state.

To hell with the glorified bureaucrats, guys like this are my heroes!

Free on Mars? This is my greatest dream of space travel, let's work to achieve it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Evils of Income Taxation

It's April 15th...and you know what that means, long lines at post offices, comprised of people sending in their slave forms...err "tax returns" to the government. The income tax and the IRS are the worst of the worst that the federal government has to offer (this is saying quite a lot indeed!). There is no greater demonstration of who rules who, of the people's submission, and the loss of America's founding ideal of individual liberty. America has gone from a nation of sovereign individualism to a nation of servitude to a centralized authority. Today's system is one of modern feudalism, and the income tax is the greatest indicator.

Unfortunately, the income tax has become so ingrained in our culture that most people barely give it a thought. You constantly hear people saying "I hate it, but it's necessary" or "how will the government operate?" A few years ago I even saw a news clip of a bunch of guys with nothing better to do lining up and singing "happy tax day to you."

The income tax is the greatest tool our illegitimate rulers have against the people waking up to their game. It is constantly used to divide us, set one "income class" off against another, having people debate the merits of a tax credit for one group or another, getting people to scream useless shit like "the middle class needs a tax cut!" or "the rich need to pay more!" or "cutting taxes on the rich will stimulate the economy!" I've seen and heard it all. The ruling, stated class uses these sleight-of-hand tactics to keep their big boot on top of everyone else and make them believe that this is actually what people want and need. Indeed, as the famous philosopher of freedom, G. Edward Griffin states: "the income tax is a collectivist's favorite tool."

At the heart of the philosophy that allows for an income tax lies a great evil. Slavery in the United States was abolished by the 13th amendment, setting a group of people free from hundreds of years of bondage. Unfortunately, the means to these people's freedom was government, which greatly expanded its power in the process. And of course, government was not just going to give up its newfound strength, the law of unintended consequences was already at work.

The modern federal juggernaut state was sealed in the revolution of 1913. We have this horrible year to thank for the Federal Reserve System, the 17th amendment, which deprived states of their representation in Washington, which killed federalism and replaced it with the current system of states being vassals to the feds that I outlined in my previous essay, and the topic at hand, the 16th amendment, which reduced not just blacks, but everyone to slavery.

Slavery is defined as the state of being under the control of another person. The 16th amendment did just that.

While the days of physical, chattel slavery have long been gone in America, the federal income tax makes everyone a slave to the federal government. At the heart of the income tax is the doctrine of collectivized wealth. What this basically means is that the central authority assumes ownership of every penny that every American makes, and what they can keep is solely due to the good graces of our feudal lords, the feds. This is the same whether the tax is 1% or 100.% The rate of taxation itself is irrelevant. Case in point, our rulers in 1913 promised that very little people would have to pay the income tax. After all it was a "tax on the rich." However, the top rate quickly went from 7% in 1913 73% in 1918, and the bottom rate from 1% at below $20,000 in 1913 to 16% at that income bracket in 1918, with the minimal rate at paying any tax at a mere $4,000.

At one point in 1944, the rate was at an unbelievable 94%. So much for the promises that the politicians made. Then, as now, they are utter absurdities. To say that people operating or connected to something with a monopoly on violence are beholden to keeping their promises is like saying that another star will pass through our solar system tomorrow.

The rates confirm the theory: the politicians own all of your property- you are a peasent, a serf. They can change the rate that you pay at any time, for whatever reason. There is nothing stopping them from taking everything and making you a bona fide slave where master keeps everything you produce. The income tax exhibits all of the hallmarks of feudalism. To show how today's state is indeed a modern emanation of the feudal system, let us jump back in time to the Middle Ages.

In the feudal economy, there was a virtually non-existant free market. Though the life of the Medieval peasent was not as horrible as is generally portrayed, they were permanently tied to the manor of their feudal lord, they could not leave to seek employment on another manor, for example. It was only very rarely that the serf could become what was known as a "freeman." It was expected that the paesent work the lord's land three days a week, and even make repairs to his home! The feudal lord could tax anything, at anytime, and much of the peasent's crop yields went to the lord. Failure to conform to the lord's rules and work his land, or give up any other part of your property that he deemed necessary could mean cruel Medieval punishments, such as trial by ordeal.

Sounds like the IRS, doesn't it? How many times have Americans over the past century been 'audited' by the bloodsuckers, deeming that some necessary 'back-taxes' (often from a number of years ago) were owed? Indeed, this happened to my own family this past winter. How nice of them to say that they were wrong in their assumptions, never mind the hassling and threatening letters, often the logo of the IRS on a letterhead alone is enough to make people fearful. Stories like this are the reason more Americans fear an audit by the IRS than a terrorist attack.

Many people often make the argument that income taxes are unconstitutional, or intentionally and deceptively misapplied by the government. While I would not doubt their claims, as I would not doubt that the government would find a way to collect any funds they could without setting off a big red alert among the people, I believe the tax-protester movement is barking up the wrong tree. While I am sympathetic with their goals, it is a big waste of time to say things like 'show me the law.' 'The law' is irrelevant. The government says that they want the loot, and they have the means of extracting it. Investigating whether or not the violent monopoly is following its own procedures is diverting attention from the real ethical issue in question: the reduction of Americans to serfdom, as well as the economics of why the tax is indefeasible in the effort toward helping the poor, the classic argument in favor of the income tax (though this is a different topic). It is simply not worth going to jail (or being killed) over, when the protesters could be of better help fighting the ideological struggle.

So, this April 15th, instead of attempting to reduce our humiliation and bondage to a cultural ritual, while making fun of how taxes suck and seeing Obama's tax return that I do not doubt will be on some news network (to show that our rulers are, 'just like us'), it might be a better idea to use this day to spread the word about the absolute evils of income taxation, and organize to figure out a way to break this state of bondage.

It is time to leave the manor.

P.S.: A couple of days ago I saw some newscaster reporting on how "San Francisco is the city where people file their tax returns the latest on average."

Awww...those poor San Franciscans. They're supposed to be good serfs and file on time! Or even better, early!