Unfortunately, the income tax has become so ingrained in our culture that most people barely give it a thought. You constantly hear people saying "I hate it, but it's necessary" or "how will the government operate?" A few years ago I even saw a news clip of a bunch of guys with nothing better to do lining up and singing "happy tax day to you."
The income tax is the greatest tool our illegitimate rulers have against the people waking up to their game. It is constantly used to divide us, set one "income class" off against another, having people debate the merits of a tax credit for one group or another, getting people to scream useless shit like "the middle class needs a tax cut!" or "the rich need to pay more!" or "cutting taxes on the rich will stimulate the economy!" I've seen and heard it all. The ruling, stated class uses these sleight-of-hand tactics to keep their big boot on top of everyone else and make them believe that this is actually what people want and need. Indeed, as the famous philosopher of freedom, G. Edward Griffin states: "the income tax is a collectivist's favorite tool."

At the heart of the philosophy that allows for an income tax lies a great evil. Slavery in the United States was abolished by the 13th amendment, setting a group of people free from hundreds of years of bondage. Unfortunately, the means to these people's freedom was government, which greatly expanded its power in the process. And of course, government was not just going to give up its newfound strength, the law of unintended consequences was already at work.
The modern federal juggernaut state was sealed in the revolution of 1913. We have this horrible year to thank for the Federal Reserve System, the 17th amendment, which deprived states of their representation in Washington, which killed federalism and replaced it with the current system of states being vassals to the feds that I outlined in my previous essay, and the topic at hand, the 16th amendment, which reduced not just blacks, but everyone to slavery.

Slavery is defined as the state of being under the control of another person. The 16th amendment did just that.
While the days of physical, chattel slavery have long been gone in America, the federal income tax makes everyone a slave to the federal government. At the heart of the income tax is the doctrine of collectivized wealth. What this basically means is that the central authority assumes ownership of every penny that every American makes, and what they can keep is solely due to the good graces of our feudal lords, the feds. This is the same whether the tax is 1% or 100.% The rate of taxation itself is irrelevant. Case in point, our rulers in 1913 promised that very little people would have to pay the income tax. After all it was a "tax on the rich." However, the top rate quickly went from 7% in 1913 73% in 1918, and the bottom rate from 1% at below $20,000 in 1913 to 16% at that income bracket in 1918, with the minimal rate at paying any tax at a mere $4,000.
At one point in 1944, the rate was at an unbelievable 94%. So much for the promises that the politicians made. Then, as now, they are utter absurdities. To say that people operating or connected to something with a monopoly on violence are beholden to keeping their promises is like saying that another star will pass through our solar system tomorrow.
The rates confirm the theory: the politicians own all of your property- you are a peasent, a serf. They can change the rate that you pay at any time, for whatever reason. There is nothing stopping them from taking everything and making you a bona fide slave where master keeps everything you produce. The income tax exhibits all of the hallmarks of feudalism. To show how today's state is indeed a modern emanation of the feudal system, let us jump back in time to the Middle Ages.
In the feudal economy, there was a virtually non-existant free market. Though the life of the Medieval peasent was not as horrible as is generally portrayed, they were permanently tied to the manor of their feudal lord, they could not leave to seek employment on another manor, for example. It was only very rarely that the serf could become what was known as a "freeman." It was expected that the paesent work the lord's land three days a week, and even make repairs to his home! The feudal lord could tax anything, at anytime, and much of the peasent's crop yields went to the lord. Failure to conform to the lord's rules and work his land, or give up any other part of your property that he deemed necessary could mean cruel Medieval punishments, such as trial by ordeal.
Sounds like the IRS, doesn't it? How many times have Americans over the past century been 'audited' by the bloodsuckers, deeming that some necessary 'back-taxes' (often from a number of years ago) were owed? Indeed, this happened to my own family this past winter. How nice of them to say that they were wrong in their assumptions, never mind the hassling and threatening letters, often the logo of the IRS on a letterhead alone is enough to make people fearful. Stories like this are the reason more Americans fear an audit by the IRS than a terrorist attack.

Many people often make the argument that income taxes are unconstitutional, or intentionally and deceptively misapplied by the government. While I would not doubt their claims, as I would not doubt that the government would find a way to collect any funds they could without setting off a big red alert among the people, I believe the tax-protester movement is barking up the wrong tree. While I am sympathetic with their goals, it is a big waste of time to say things like 'show me the law.' 'The law' is irrelevant. The government says that they want the loot, and they have the means of extracting it. Investigating whether or not the violent monopoly is following its own procedures is diverting attention from the real ethical issue in question: the reduction of Americans to serfdom, as well as the economics of why the tax is indefeasible in the effort toward helping the poor, the classic argument in favor of the income tax (though this is a different topic). It is simply not worth going to jail (or being killed) over, when the protesters could be of better help fighting the ideological struggle.
So, this April 15th, instead of attempting to reduce our humiliation and bondage to a cultural ritual, while making fun of how taxes suck and seeing Obama's tax return that I do not doubt will be on some news network (to show that our rulers are, 'just like us'), it might be a better idea to use this day to spread the word about the absolute evils of income taxation, and organize to figure out a way to break this state of bondage.
It is time to leave the manor.
P.S.: A couple of days ago I saw some newscaster reporting on how "San Francisco is the city where people file their tax returns the latest on average."
Awww...those poor San Franciscans. They're supposed to be good serfs and file on time! Or even better, early!

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